The Recycle Scotland team are delighted to have received Revolve recertification for a further 2-years.
The accreditation recognises our commitment to deliver quality workplace furniture, through the circular economy model of reusing, reengineering and recycling.
Revolve is Scotland’s national reuse industry’s standard of excellence. It assures consumers that they are purchasing a product from a business that is committed to the environment, quality and professionalism.
Recycle Scotland was established 10-years ago, to meet an increasing need to avoid unnecessary waste and to divert redundant business furnishings from landfill. Working with the business community, Recycle Scotland deliver a sustainable solution to the workplace, through reengineering existing furniture, supplying reused products and recycling unwanted office furniture.
To find out more about Recycle Scotland contact Lewis Myler and the team on 01506 469 147.